How to Organize Your Building

What is a tenant union?

When individual tenants square off against a landlord, they are at an extreme disadvantage. Tenants have historically lacked the political and economic clout to defend their rights. Tenants’ power lies in the ability of tenants to organize. Our first goal in organizing is to build tenant unions as solid foundations of support which will ultimately be willing to act together (and rent strike when necessary).

Tenant associations may be the most effective way for tenants to improve housing conditions and stop a pattern of illegal landlord activity. The best, longest lasting, and most sustainable tenant association is one focused on a shared issue or grievance. 

Why start a tenant union?


- Community

- Power of relationships

- Not feeling alone or isolated

- Listening and feeling heard

- Reliability


- Informed negotiations for fair rent and services

- Pooled resources to counterbalance landlord’s money

- Educate and get educated

- Identify additional community resources

- Sustainability 


- Your landlord organized; so should you!

- Strength in numbers and unity

- "Herd immunity"

- Take control of building policies

- Garner public sympathy and support

How to Form a Tenant Association

Step One: Getting Ready

Step Two: Talking to Your Neighbors

Step Three: Staying Connected 

Step Four: Taking Action

Contact your neighbors in Madison Tenant Power for support organizing your building!